****************************************************************************** Welcome to the NOVA CDROM for the NeXT Computer. ****************************************************************************** Important: Use of this NOVA CD ROM is subject to and constitutes acceptance of the following terms: This NOVA CD ROM ("Software") is in some cases disabled and licensed solely for demonstration use. The authors have not been paid for their work and retain all rights to their software. You are permitted to make copies and distribute all or any portion of the Software so long as you maintain the appropriate copyright notices on any copies made or distributed. You are not permitted to decompile, disassemble or translate any of the software. The Software is owned by the third-parties designated in the respective programs contained on the disc. All copyright and other intellectual property rights to the Software remain with such third parties. The Software is licensed on an "AS IS" basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. THE END USER ACCEPTS ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF THIS DISC. THE SOFTWARE AND INFORMATION INCLUDED ARE TO ENLIGHTEN NEXT USERS ON NEXT CAPABILITIES AND USE IS AT THE USERS RISK. IN NO EVENT SHALL WALNUT CREEK CDROM. OR ANY THIRD-PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. Walnut Creek CDROM offers no support for the software. Copyright 1993 by Walnut Creek CDROM. All Rights Reserved. Third-Party applications/software/information are copyrighted by their respective owners. All trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. ****************************************************************************** NOVA January 1993 Version 1.0 Compilation by Eric "E.T." Tremblay Thank you: I would like to thank you the customer for purchasing this CDROM disc. Without you, there would not be a disc. To all authors: thank you to all the authors and companies that provided the material found on this disc. To everyone including ShareWare and PD authors: Please encourage ShareWare authors and remember to thank all the authors of public domain software. We appreciate all their work, effort and talent. Don't just think about it, do it! Special thanks: Robert A. Bruce for making this disc possible. To my GEnie friends: Montgomery "Mr.Black" Gabrys for his NOVA icon and all his friendship. Andy Finkenstadt and Mike Nolan for their knowledge and experience, but more importantly their friendship. ****************************************************************************** If you are dissatisfied with this CDROM for any reason you may return it for a full refund. Please let us know if you have any questions about this disc, or suggestions for future editions. Walnut Creek CDROM 1547 Palos Verdes Mall, Suite 260 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 USA +1 510 947-5996 +1 510 947-1644 FAX info@cdrom.com ******************************************************************************